Call Us:
03 8060 8793
membership options
All memberships include a no obligation 2 week trail at $40.00.


Choose a membership below or call us on 03 8060 8793
what's included
  • Unlimited Adult Krav Classes

    Attend as many adult Beginner and Advanced Krav Maga classes per week as you desire.

  • Unlimited Combat fit, Striking & Sparring Classes

    UNLIMITED access to all the additional combative and fitness classes.

  • BJJ Fundamentals Class

    Basic membership includes access to the weekly BJJ Fundamentals class

    Valued at over $100 per spot!

Then $40 per fortnight if you choose to continue after the 7 day trial

Sign up now
Basic Kids Membership Image
Basic Kids Membership (5-11 Years)
Kids Krav Maga 2 Week Trial Now Only $1 - Hurry Limited Time Offer, Sign Up Now
what's included
  • Unlimited Kids Krav Classes

    Classes for kids aged from 5 – 11yrs with no limit to the number of classes your child can attend.

  • No Sign-on fees

    No additional joining or annual fees.

Fortnightly Fee:


Trial fee of $40.00 for your first 14 days with no obligation to sign-up.

SAVE 10% - With A 6 Month Membership
SAVE 15% - With A 12 Month Membership

Sign up now
Basic Teens Membership Image
Basic Teens Membership
Teens Krav Maga 2 Week Trial Now Only $1 - Hurry Limited Time Offer, Sign Up Now
what's included
  • Unlimited Teens Krav Classes

    Classes for teens aged from 12 – 15yrs and no limit to the number of classes your child can attend.

  • Unlimited Access to Adult Combat fit & Striking Classes

    Unlimited access to the additional adult combative classes

  • No sign-on Fees

    No additional joining or annual fees.

Fortnightly Fee:


Trial fee of $40.00 for your first 14 days with no obligation to sign-up.

SAVE 10% - With A 6 Month Membership
SAVE 15% - With A 12 Month Membership

Sign up now
Premium Teens Membership Image
Premium Teens Membership
Teens Krav Maga 2 Week Trial Now Only $1 - Hurry Limited Time Offer, Sign Up Now
what's included
  • Unlimited Teens Krav Maga

    Attend as many teens Krav Maga classes per week as you are able to.

  • Unlimited Combat fit, Sparring and Striking Classes

    Unlimited access to all the additional combatives and fitness classes

  • Unlimited BJJ Classes

    Premium membership includes access to all our BJJ classes.

Fortnightly Fee:


SAVE 10% - With A 6 Month Membership
SAVE 15% - With A 12 Month Membership

Sign up now
Basic Adult Membership Image
Basic Adult Membership
what's included
  • Unlimited Adult Krav Classes

    Attend as many adult Beginner and Advanced Krav Maga classes per week as you desire.

  • Unlimited Combat fit, Striking & Sparring Classes

    UNLIMITED access to all the additional combative and fitness classes.

Fortnightly Fee:


Trial fee of $40.00 for your first 14 days with no obligation to sign-up.

SAVE 10% - With A 6 Month Membership
SAVE 15% - With A 12 Month Membership

Sign up now
Premium Adult Membership Image
Premium Adult Membership
what's included
  • Unlimited Adult Krav Classes

    Attend as many adult Krav Maga classes per week as you are able to.

  • Unlimited Combat fit, Sparring and Striking Classes

    Unlimited access to all the additional combatives and fitness classes

  • Unlimited BJJ Classes

    Premium membership includes access to all our BJJ classes.

Fortnightly Fee:


Trial fee of $40.00 for your first 14 days with no obligation to sign-up. No additional joining or sign up fees.

SAVE 10% - With A 6 Month Membership
SAVE 15% - With A 12 Month Membership

Sign up now
Single Class Pass Image
Single Class Pass
what's included
  • Single Class pass

    A casual pass allows students to attend any single class as appropriate to your level including Krav Maga, Striking, BJJ and Combat Fit classes.

  • Valid for 6 months

    A class pass is valid for use up to 6 months from purchase. Perfect for gifts or those with a hectic work schedule!

  • No obligation to continue

    This is a one off class pass with no obligation to continue with the gym.

One time Fee:


Sign up now
Womens Self Defense Class Image
Womens Self Defense Class
what's included
  • Gain practical and effective self defence skills

    Learn essential skills such as effective striking, releases from grabs and holds.

  • Build confidence

    Self defense and martial arts training is proven to increase confidence and self esteem

  • Gain fitness in a friendly, female students only environment

    Feeling comfortable and safe is our first priority. Our female only class provides an extra level of comfort among your peers.

One time Fee:


Sign up now
Women’s Self Defense Course Image
Women’s Self Defense Course
what's included
  • Four sessions

    4 sessions commencing Thursday the 29th of April and running every Thursday from 9pm-10.15pm on 29 April, 6, 13, 20 May.

  • Gain self empowerment and confidence

    Develop the skills and mindset to effectively defend yourself.

  • Learn practical and effective techniques

    Learn to deal with both the physical and psychological aspects of a street based confrontation

  • Have fun!

    Gain new skills and learn from our industry renowned instructors in a fun, safe environment.



For Women 16+ years

Women 14+ may attend with a guardian

Sign up now
Kinder Krav Program Image
Kinder Krav Progam
what's included
  • For 3-5 year olds

    An energetic and fun program designed for kinder aged children 3-5yrs. The interactive sessions include activities and games designed to enhance children’s physical development, fine tune their balance and co-ordination which are essential fundamentals for learning Krav Maga skills.

  • Benefits

    Hand/Eye Coordination, Foot/Eye Coordination, Spatial Awareness, Directional Awareness, Social Development, Balance, Confidence

  • No Sign-on fees

    No additional joining or annual fees.

Term Fee:

from $176

Limited numbers per class. Pre-booked and paid participants will be given priority should maximum numbers be exceeded. Terms vary from 8-10 weeks as per the VIC school terms. Casual Classes are only offered if space is available, casual class cost is $25 each.

Sign up now
BJJ Only Membership
BJJ Only Membership
what's included
  • Unlimited BJJ Classes

    Attend as many BJJ classes per week as you are able to.

  • World class instructors

    Learn from an official BJJ Black belt and State Champion

  • No sign-on Fees

    No additional joining or annual fees.

Fortnightly Fee:


SAVE 10% - With A 6 Month Membership
SAVE 15% - With A 12 Month Membership

Sign up now


contact us
34A Bignell Road, Moorabbin 3189, VIC, Australia  
Follow us on :